Some of you may be wondering what happened, some of you may not care... but I will admit I have been lagging on the blog posts recently. I could blame it on any number of factors: the extremely slow and expensive internet in Brazil, knowing I´ll be home in about a week anyway, or my lovely girlfriend showing up and me not caring at all about checking the internet anymore... but I´ll just say I´ve been lazy. This post being brief and pictureless can also be attributed to the afforementioned factors.
Since the last update, we´ve seen Iguazu Falls which was rad but the water was a little low. We then flew to Rio where Nick, Julie, and Zack let out a collective sigh of relief when Brianne finally made it down here and I stopped my minute by minute countdown. We spent a few days in Rio, then went to Ilha Grande which is an amazing Island off the coast just a few hours south of Rio. It was pretty much paradise. We are now in Salvador de Bahia, a 2 hour plane ride north of Rio to see another part of Brazil and for me to see where my dad lived like a million years ago. The weather is unfortunately not cooperating, its pouring and not looking like it is going to stop, so we are going to spend one more day here and try to get back to Rio ASAP for the last 3 days. Cant believe its coming to an end, I will see most of you very soon... then I might post a few pictures.
Oh is raining for you too there. THAT SUCKS!! They promised me it never rained there and that when I was there, it was the worst by far. now I am not so sure I believe...does that mean you didn't make it to Morro??? Glad you found your woman..see you soon!
I miss you guys! I so wish I could have stayed and gone to Ilha Grande with you all. Work is torture! Can't wait to see the photos from the rest of the trip. As well as snag a few of yours from Rio since my turned into fish food :(
Giants record - 17-14
A's record - 11-18
I will take a side of mashed potatoes with my prime rib!
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