Friday, March 20, 2009
Greatest Hits: First Half
Amazingly enough, we have survived the first half of the trip. We've been gone over two months, and have just under two more to go. I finally got access to a decent internet connection and computer, so thought I would put up some highlights and favorite pics from the first half (these are just off of one of my memory cards, not counting Zack's pics, or my other cameras... there are quite a few more where these came from). It has flown by and I am sure the next half will be even faster. Looking through all these makes me realize how far we've travelled and how massive and diverse this continent is. I feel we haven't even scracthed the surface. Speaking of which, we are in Quito preparing for a week long trip into the rainforest. Should be a few more pics to come...

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Looks like you guys are having a terrible time.
when's the next post coming?
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