Moving on from Bogota, we made our way to Medellin, just Northwest of Bogota in the mountains and best known for being the home of the infamous Colombian cocaine trade. Things have cleared up a lot as police wander the streets and Medellin has become a pretty significant party town. We arrived on Saturday to a very social hostel full of many international travellers. Our room only had people from SF in it, one who used to work at Advent at the same time but has been travelling for the last 5 months. We spent the night wandering Parque Lleras, awkwardly and unsuccessfully communicating with the locals. I found out later that Colombians dont do well with foreign accents, and apparently Gringo Spanglish in particular. Im bringing out more and more of my High School spanish everyday, but communication is a constant source of confusion and entertainment. We spent the next day wandering the city, the parks, and checking out the view. Yes, I kept looking for Vincent Chase in a fat suit. Longing for more beach after Belize, we were excited to head to the Carribean Coast town of Cartagena on Monday.

Its about 95 degress in Cartagena and sunny. Our hostel is 2 blocks from the beach, and we spent today enjoying the warm Carribean water and shaded by a tent we paid $2 for. The peddlars are pretty annoying, and we got really good at saying NO in Spanish. However, we did give money to the two dudes who rapped to a Dr Dre beat about how we are Americans who don´t understand what he is saying, and how Zack cant grow facial hair. Worth every Peso. We are going to check out the coral islands on the coast tomorrow, Las Islas del Rosario, and do some snorkling. We really like Cartagena and will stay here for a few more days before moving East along the coast to Santa Marta and Tayrona National Park. Hope all is great back in the states, keep the comments and emails coming.
Hi guys!
i am so excited you are finally on the official trip! Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun- seeing cool things, meeting great people and learning new languages! Reading this blog reminds me so much of my day to day life... so i have decided not to start my own blog. I think it would be too repetitive.
Anyways not too much out side the norm going on in SF. We miss you guys and I can't wait to keep hearing more about the trip! Have fun and be safe!
Looks like you guys are meeting a bunch of dudes, Benson told me he is really jealous.
Also they are banning drinking and floats for Bay to Breakers, there is really no reason for you guys to return now.
Zack - I thought you might want to hear some news from SF......
This year, there will be a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol, nudity and all floats, according to a news release from Bay to brekers sponsor ING.
Hope you're having a blast!
Zack - Don't forget to trade a shirt with one of locals in every new town you go to, just like that guy you made out with from Oklahoma. Hope you brought enough.
Zack, Man-up, grow the damn mustache, you're becoming an embarassment to the family!
Love, Dad
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