Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Whackiness and Hilarious Consequences

It's a funny thing, this blogging. Who really reads these things anyway? The power of the internet has given millions of people the ability to share their thoughts and drivel with the broadest of audiences in an instant. For a long time I thought blogging was best served for celebrity gossip and political rants. When I decided to take a little trip (see entry #1 in Jan '09) I thought I'd give this blog thing a shot in hopes to save myself some effort in having to write a mass email or having to answer the question "how's the trip?". I was able to write things as they happened, and anyone who was interested could read along in real time or go back through the archives and catch up. Plus, it was like a journal I knew I couldn't lose in a bus station or have stolen from my backpack; allowing me to permanently keep a chronicle of my epic journey.

What I didn't realize until recently, is how much I enjoyed it. I've always loved writing, and missed it once I entered the working world. Having the opportunity to share my opinion and experiences has never been something that I've avoided, so when I came across a fair number of people who told me they enjoyed hearing about The Great White Hike, I briefly entertained the thought of continuing to write. But, shortly after returning to reality, or at least America, I felt I didn't have much to write about or say compared to such an exotic and fast-paced trip. Then I realized I am me and having something to say would never be a problem.

So, I have officially decided to give the blog a shot from reality and see what comes out of it. Without the specific focus of cross-continental travel, there is little doubt the subject matter will have a much broader spectrum from stories to updates, pictures to videos, coherent thoughts to brain droppings. I don't really know who, if anyone, will read this. While having a large following is not one of my priorities, if I can entertain some people at work or just keep the people who care up to date on my life, then my goal will be accomplished. I'm not looking to get rich or famous like some bloggers. As Garth Algar once said: "Its like people only do things because they get paid, and that's just really sad."

I figure that since the Great White Hike has concluded, carrying the title is no longer appropriate. So, in a reference to obsolete technology, the continuation of an existing piece or work, and my favorite initial... I bring you: The B Side.